Should I Buy a House With a Roof That Has Been Damaged?

Most house buyers will likely cancel the deal when they spot a home with a damaged roof. But buying a property with a damaged roofing system isn’t always a bad decision. You should get an excellent deal as long as you do your research and know what needs to be fixed. Thinking about buying a house with a damaged roof? Here are some things you should think about.

Find Out How Bad the Damage Is.

A house with cracked or missing shingles due to a recent storm or hurricane shouldn’t be an issue. But you must watch out for roofing systems with massive damages that might’ve led to leaking. These are often caused by improper maintenance, which can cost you more over time. 

So, you must understand the extent of the roof’s damage. After all, a couple of faulty shingles are repairable and shouldn’t cost you a lot. But if extensive water damage spreads throughout your home, you may need significant roof repair in Cedar Park. And these don’t come cheap!

So, it’s best to consult an experienced home inspector to oversee your roof’s condition and the underlying structures.

Roof’s Age

In most cases, asphalt roofing around 15 to 20 years old is near its lifespan. So, total roof replacement is ideal even if it only has minor damage. This way, you can guarantee the home you’re buying is well-protected and will last a while. But always consult with an expert before making a decision.

Get Different Roof Repair Quotes

Beyond scheduling a home inspection, you should consult several roofing contractors to get informed quotes based on the damage. Either way, they should provide you with a reasonable deal over the phone, depending on the roof inspector’s findings. And this will help you decide if investing in the property is worth it.

Work With Licensed Professionals

A few loans, such as FHA loans, will require the property to be in “habitable” and “insurable” condition. And many insurance firms won’t insure houses with severe roof damage. So, you’ll need to work with the buyer to negotiate to make repairs or complete roof installation if required. This way, you can get insured before buying the house or walk away and buy a home with a roof in good condition.

Is It Good to Buy A House With A Damaged Roof?

Without checking the home in question first-hand, it’s impossible to tell. But in most cases, damaged roofing is never a significant issue and lets you negotiate an excellent rate on purchasing a piece of property. Meanwhile, in others, it can cause massive damage that could cost hundreds to thousands of dollars in repair.

So, what’s the best way to know if buying a house with a damaged roof is a good idea? Hire a professional roofing contractor, of course! They can inspect your roof and other structures of a home you’re interested in purchasing and help you decide if it’s a worthwhile investment or not.